Anna Arvidsdotter

Poet & Writer

Anna Arvidsdotter (b. 1992) is a poet and writer, living in Malmö. In 2022, she made her book debut with the poetry collection "Händer att hålla i". Since then, she has been an established name in the spoken word scene, known for delivering poems from the stage. fHer class-conscious poetry points to absurdities in the work, and with lyrical playfulness, rhythm and stylistic certainty, she pokes holes in the late capitalist outside world. She is already being compared to working-class literary greats such as Stig Sjödin and Jenny Wrangborg.

Anna's writing has been awarded in several rounds, including the AIRY Litteratur Västernorrland 2022 and the Arbetarrörelsens culture prize in Malmö 2020. She also works as an editor and writing educator.


Maria Åberg


Camilla Howalt