Nya Rörelsen
Performance Art
Nya Rörelsen - Koreografer in Skåne is a dance artist-led organisation consisting of Majula Drammeh, Khamlane Halsackda, Nidia Martínez Barbieri, Daniel Jeremiah Persson, & Rumiko Otsuka, working in choreography, theatre, performance, community, and education. Since 2005 it has acted as a platform and greenhouse for diversity and artistic prosperity on the cultural map of southern Sweden, a consistent voice in establishing multiple collaborations and opportunities for independent dancers and the dance scene.
The members facilitate and conduct individual and joint projects and present nationally and internationally. As part of the collective, each member works with the other's support, leaning on colleagues' diverse experiences and perspectives through artistic consultancy and administrative help. The group activates 3-5 financed productions yearly and runs workshops/dance activities. This makes Nya Rörelsen one of the most active organizations in Skåne with all-year-round activities.