Photographer and Filmmaker

Maja Daniels (b.1985) is a Swedish photography-based artist and filmmaker. Her practice includes sociological methodology, sound, moving image and archive materials and considers how the recontextualization of historic events and archives can challenge a linear and chronological concept of time and explore counter-hegemonic narratives.

Her work has been exhibited in Paris, London, New York, Amsterdam, Bilbao among others, she is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships and is a lecturer in film at the unit for Film, Photography and Literary Composition at Gothenburg University (HDK-Valand).

Her first book "Elf Dalia" (Mack, 2019) was nominated for the Aperture-Paris Photo First book Award 2019 and won the Swedish PhotoBook of the Year Award 2020. It has since expanded into an internationally touring exhibition.

Maja made her first short film "My other Half" in 2015 and her second one "My friend Barbro" (2018) won the Fotografiska Documentary Award the same year. Her most recent short film, "Hauntings" premiered at the 2020 Uppsala Short Film Festival.

Maja Daniels


Yuvia Maini


Stefan Andersson