Performance Artist

Stefan is a Swedish theater and performance artist dedicated to exploration, experiment and interdisciplinary practice, and finds it most exciting to devise performances collaboratively. Currently working in studio, street, nature and photography, he’s researching movement, text writing and methods of collective action and participation. Most important is presence and connection.

He has worked in independent theater companies such as Ögonblicksteatern and Teater Smuts. In combination with that he’s also creating and leading artistic projects and holding workshops and courses. He recently graduated with a MFA in Performance from the Norwegian Theatre Academy and has a BA in Theatre from University College Falmouth incorporating Dartington College of Arts U.K. His explorations have lately been focused on questions concerning the construction of gender, global politics and personal stories in everyday objects, sexuality, memory, clothes and nature. He’s recently based in Malmö.

Instagram @stefanskonst

Stefan Andersson


Maja Daniels


Firas Mukarker